A AAG vai começar os seus Cursos de Azulejaria Artística. O primeiro será dia 28, (Apresentação/Palestra); 30 e 31 de março de 2019, em que começará com um curso de Iniciação à Azulejaria Artística e Breve História do Azulejo.
AAG will begin its Artistic Tile Courses. The first will be on the 28th (Presentation / Lecture); March 30 and 31, 2019, which will begin with an Introduction to Artistic Tile and Brief History of Tile.
Cursos de Iniciação à Azulejaria Artística (séc. XVI a XVIII)
Cursos ministrados por Luís
Cruz Guerreiro*
Primeiro Curso: 28,
(Apresentação/Palestra); 30 e 31 de março de 2019.
Esta Apresentação/Palestra será feita no FAVO (Fábrica de Artes Visuais
e Ofícios) em Alhos Vedros, integrada na 1ª Edição do “Arte no FAVO”.
Está aberta a todos, é gratuíta e sem compromisso de ter de efetuar o curso.
Esta Apresentação/Palestra será feita no FAVO (Fábrica de Artes Visuais
e Ofícios) em Alhos Vedros, integrada na 1ª Edição do “Arte no FAVO”.
Está aberta a todos, é gratuíta e sem compromisso de ter de efetuar o curso.
1-Estes cursos pretendem transmitir aos formandos uma
abordagem didática, mas leve, da História da Azulejaria Artística em Portugal
do séc. XVI ao séc. XVIII.
2-A parte teórica terá uma apresentação/palestra na
sexta-feira anterior ao começo dos cursos.
Essa apresentação contará uma pequena história do azulejo
com projeção de imagens alusivas ao tema.
3-A parte prática do curso terá início na manhã de sábado,
às 10h, com intervalo para almoço das 14 às 15.30h e encerra às 18.30h (7 horas
no sábado), continuará no domingo das 10h às 13h (3horas no domingo). Final do Curso.
4-O curso prático é dado na AAG que tem espaço para 5
5-A cada formando serão fornecidos pincéis, tintas
cerâmicas, uma bancada para colocarem os seus utensílios e um estirador para
pintar os azulejos vidrados em cru.
No sábado de manhã, haverá uma aproximação dos formandos ao
azulejo nas suas formas: Chacota (pasta cozida), chacota vidrada em cru e a
chacota com vidrado cozido na sua forma final, o Azulejo, que forma toda uma
6-Passagem do desenho ao azulejo pelo método de desenho
livre no vidrado cru e sua pintura (São fornecidos aos formandos azulejos para
experiências de desenho e pintura livre).
Sábado de tarde:
7-Método de passagem de desenhos clássicos setecentistas
para o azulejo por papel picotado e pó de carvão. Pintura de vários azulejos
por cada formando, que serão entregues ao formando no domingo de manhã.
-Colocação dos azulejos em “gazetes” para pôr a cozer no
forno cerâmico. Cozedura.
temperatura do forno e entreabrir a porta para que o forno vá arrefecendo.
9-Experiência de vidragem manual do azulejo para os
10-Entrega dos azulejos pintados e dos Diplomas de
Participação no Curso AAG.
Cursos de dez horas.
Preço por formando: 50 € (Todo o material e cozedura
Pagamento por Transferência Bancária para o IBAN: PT50 0035
0483 0003 1226 400 64
(assim que for recebida a
transferência, envio de Recibo de Pagamento
Courses of Initiation to Artistic Tile (16th to 18th centuries)
Courses taught by Luís Cruz Guerreiro *
* See curriculum.
First Course: 28, (Presentation / Lecture); March 30 and 31, 2019.
This Presentation / Lecture will be made at FAVO (Factory of Visual Arts
and Crafts) in Alhos Vedros, integrated in the 1st Edition of "Art in FAVO".
It is open to all, it is free and without obligation to have to take the course.
1-These courses intend to convey to the trainees a didactic but light approach, from the History of Artistic Tiles in Portugal from the 16th century. XVI to the century XVIII.
2-The theoretical part will have a presentation / lecture the Friday before the beginning of the courses.
This presentation will tell a small story of the tile with projection of images alluding to the theme.
3-The practical part of the course will begin on Saturday morning at 10:00 am, with lunch break from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., and close at 6:30 p.m. (7:00 p.m. on Saturday), will continue on Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. (3 p.m. on Sunday). End of the Course.
4-The practical course is given in the AAG that has space for 5 trainees.
5-To each trainee will be provided brushes, ceramic paints, a bench to place their utensils and a stretcher to paint the glazed tiles in raw.
On Saturday morning, there will be an approximation of the graduates to the tile in their forms: Chacota (cooked pasta), chacota glazed in raw and the chacota with baked glaze in its final form, the Azulejo, which forms a whole unit.
6-Passage of the drawing to the tile by the method of free drawing in the raw glaze and its painting (Tiles are given to the trainees for free drawing and painting experiments).
Saturday afternoon:
7-Method of passing classic eighteenth-century drawings for the tile by perforated paper and coal dust. Painting various tiles for each grader, which will be delivered to the trainee on Sunday morning.
- Placement of the tiles in "gazetes" to put to bake in the ceramic oven. Cooking.
8-Check the temperature of the oven and open the door to allow the oven to cool.
9-Manual glazing tile experience for the trainees.
10-Delivery of the painted tiles and the Diplomas of Participation in the AAG Course.
Ten hour courses.
Price per person: 50 € (All material and cooking included)
Payment by Bank Transfer to IBAN: PT50 0035 0483 0003 1226 400 64
(as soon as the transfer is received, sending a Payment Receipt
Courses taught by Luís Cruz Guerreiro *
* See curriculum.
First Course: 28, (Presentation / Lecture); March 30 and 31, 2019.
This Presentation / Lecture will be made at FAVO (Factory of Visual Arts
and Crafts) in Alhos Vedros, integrated in the 1st Edition of "Art in FAVO".
It is open to all, it is free and without obligation to have to take the course.
1-These courses intend to convey to the trainees a didactic but light approach, from the History of Artistic Tiles in Portugal from the 16th century. XVI to the century XVIII.
2-The theoretical part will have a presentation / lecture the Friday before the beginning of the courses.
This presentation will tell a small story of the tile with projection of images alluding to the theme.
3-The practical part of the course will begin on Saturday morning at 10:00 am, with lunch break from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., and close at 6:30 p.m. (7:00 p.m. on Saturday), will continue on Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. (3 p.m. on Sunday). End of the Course.
4-The practical course is given in the AAG that has space for 5 trainees.
5-To each trainee will be provided brushes, ceramic paints, a bench to place their utensils and a stretcher to paint the glazed tiles in raw.
On Saturday morning, there will be an approximation of the graduates to the tile in their forms: Chacota (cooked pasta), chacota glazed in raw and the chacota with baked glaze in its final form, the Azulejo, which forms a whole unit.
6-Passage of the drawing to the tile by the method of free drawing in the raw glaze and its painting (Tiles are given to the trainees for free drawing and painting experiments).
Saturday afternoon:
7-Method of passing classic eighteenth-century drawings for the tile by perforated paper and coal dust. Painting various tiles for each grader, which will be delivered to the trainee on Sunday morning.
- Placement of the tiles in "gazetes" to put to bake in the ceramic oven. Cooking.
8-Check the temperature of the oven and open the door to allow the oven to cool.
9-Manual glazing tile experience for the trainees.
10-Delivery of the painted tiles and the Diplomas of Participation in the AAG Course.
Ten hour courses.
Price per person: 50 € (All material and cooking included)
Payment by Bank Transfer to IBAN: PT50 0035 0483 0003 1226 400 64
(as soon as the transfer is received, sending a Payment Receipt
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