O Festival de BD de Beja, porque decorre em diversos pólos mas muito próximos uns dos outros, torna-se por isso numa cidade BD, onde os visitantes e também os participantes se deslocam de um espaço para outro para verem as diversas exposições.
Mapa das Exposições aqui: https://susamonteiro.wixsite.com/festivalbd/mapa
O almoço em conjunto dos participantes também proporciona uma oportunidade de contacto entre todos e revela-se bastante agradável para um "bate papo".
Conheci a Nina Govedarica, viúva do Fernando Relvas recentemente. É muito simpática e compreendeu o meu sentido de humor que é muito corrosivo e difícil. Isso é muito bom sinal e revela muita inteligência.
Estive muito próximo sempre do meu amigo José Ruy, que considero o meu "pai adotivo" em termos não só de BD. Como pessoa adoro-o e sinto muito orgulho dele ser meu amigo.
Também o José Ruy teve a sua exposição temática sobre animais desenhados no Jardim Zoológico de Lisboa. Fui agraciado com um desenho de um leão, feito em poucos minutos com o Mestre.
Conheci finalmente o Fabio Morais em pessoa e a sua esposa, curador do Acervo de Jayme Cortez, que tinha conhecido no Brasil virtualmente, que apresentei ao José Ruy. O meu amigo José Ruy, ficou muito contente com este conhecimento, porque tinha trabalhado no jornal "O Mosquito", antes de ele emigrar para o Brasil e sabermos que ele tinha muitos originais do Jayme Cortez, proporcionou que contactássemos com o Paulo Monteiro diretor do FIBDB, para uma possível exposição na edição de 2018 e que também se perpetiva já para a edição do Festival de Beja para 2019.
Foi uma das exposições mais importantes a nível histórico, não menosprezando todos os outros autores presentes, que são de grande qualidade artística.
Outra coisa muito importante foi esta:
Museu da Banda Desenhada de Beja - Doação de originais de E. T. Coelho ao futuro Museu da Banda Desenhada de Beja, por Fabio Moraes, com Arlindo Morais, Fabio Moraes e Paulo Monteiro.
Outra foi uma coleção de serigrafias de Jayme Cortez de 1980, assinadas e numeradas, o que muito agradeço ao Fabio Moraes.
A minha Exposição: "Aventuras de Jerílio no séc. XXV-Primeiro episódio-Tudo Começou em Máfio ", ficou no Museu Regional de Beja, enquadrada por um património azulejar do próprio Museu considerável e que abrange desde o azulejo enxaquetado e corda seca de finais do Séc XIV, aos painéis barrocos do séc. XVIII ! Só faltava mesmo os azulejos do séc XXV, o que agora aconteceu.
O Nuno Pereira de Sousa, gostou da minha exposição e divulgou-a no seu Blogue, "Bandas Desenhadas". Agradeço ao Nuno pela divulgação.
Eis a sua mensagem e os links :
"Bom dia, Luís!
Realizámos a divulgação das Aventuras de Jerílio no Século 25, através da fotorreportagem da exposição:
e com um artigo sobre a publicação em formato de revista, bem como a forma dos leitores interessados poderem encomendar 1 exemplar:
Qualquer lapso que tenhamos cometido, informe-nos pf, que corrigiremos a informação.
E mantenha-se em contacto, pois teremos muito prazer em noticiar novidades sobre a obra.
Nuno Pereira de Sousa"
English Version:
Beja is a small city but has many interesting things and a very intense cultural life.
The Beja BD Festival, because it takes place in several poles but very close to each other, becomes a BD city, where visitors and participants also travel from one space to another to see the various exhibitions.
Map of Exhibitions here: https://susamonteiro.wixsite.com/festivalbd/mapa
The lunch together of the participants also provides an opportunity of contact between all and proves itself quite pleasant for a "chat".
I met Nina Govedarica, widow of Fernando Relvas recently. She is very friendly and understood my sense of humor which is very corrosive and difficult. This is a very good sign and reveals a lot of intelligence.
I have been very close always to my friend José Ruy, who I consider my "adoptive father" in terms not only of BD. As a person I love him and I am very proud of him to be my friend.
Also José Ruy had his thematic exhibition on animals drawn in the Zoological Garden of Lisbon. I was awarded a drawing of a lion, made in a few minutes with the Master.
I finally met Fabio Morais himself and his wife, curator of the Jayme Cortez Collection, who had known in Brazil virtually, that I presented to José Ruy. My friend José Ruy, was very pleased with this knowledge, because he had worked in the newspaper "The Mosquito", before he emigrated to Brazil and we know that he had many originals of Jayme Cortez, provided that we contacted Paulo Monteiro director of the FIBDB, for a possible exhibition in the 2018 edition and that is also already expected for the edition of the Beja Festival for 2019.
Paulo Monteiro was very pleased with the possibility and everything made so that in this edition Fabio Morais already brought a considerable part of the Jayme Cortez Collection.
It was one of the most important exhibitions at the historical level, not neglecting all the other authors present, who are of great artistic quality.
Another very important thing was this:
Beja Comics Museum - Original donation of E. T. Coelho to the future Beja Comics Museum, by Fabio Moraes, with Arlindo Morais, Fabio Moraes and Paulo Monteiro.
Another was a collection of serigraphs by Jayme Cortez from 1980, signed and numbered, which I thank Fabio Moraes.
My Exposition: "Adventures of Jerílio in the XXV-first episode - It all began in Mafio", stayed in the Regional Museum of Beja, framed by a tile heritage of the Museum itself considerable, and ranging from the enjaquetado tile and dry rope final from the 14th century, to the baroque panels of the 16th century. XVIII! Only the tiles of the 25th century were missing, which now happened.
Beja is a small city but has many interesting things and a very intense cultural life.
The Beja BD Festival, because it takes place in several poles but very close to each other, becomes a BD city, where visitors and participants also travel from one space to another to see the various exhibitions.
Map of Exhibitions here: https://susamonteiro.wixsite.com/festivalbd/mapa
The lunch together of the participants also provides an opportunity of contact between all and proves itself quite pleasant for a "chat".
I met Nina Govedarica, widow of Fernando Relvas recently. She is very friendly and understood my sense of humor which is very corrosive and difficult. This is a very good sign and reveals a lot of intelligence.
I have been very close always to my friend José Ruy, who I consider my "adoptive father" in terms not only of BD. As a person I love him and I am very proud of him to be my friend.
Also José Ruy had his thematic exhibition on animals drawn in the Zoological Garden of Lisbon. I was awarded a drawing of a lion, made in a few minutes with the Master.
I finally met Fabio Morais himself and his wife, curator of the Jayme Cortez Collection, who had known in Brazil virtually, that I presented to José Ruy. My friend José Ruy, was very pleased with this knowledge, because he had worked in the newspaper "The Mosquito", before he emigrated to Brazil and we know that he had many originals of Jayme Cortez, provided that we contacted Paulo Monteiro director of the FIBDB, for a possible exhibition in the 2018 edition and that is also already expected for the edition of the Beja Festival for 2019.
Paulo Monteiro was very pleased with the possibility and everything made so that in this edition Fabio Morais already brought a considerable part of the Jayme Cortez Collection.
It was one of the most important exhibitions at the historical level, not neglecting all the other authors present, who are of great artistic quality.
Another very important thing was this:
Beja Comics Museum - Original donation of E. T. Coelho to the future Beja Comics Museum, by Fabio Moraes, with Arlindo Morais, Fabio Moraes and Paulo Monteiro.
Another was a collection of serigraphs by Jayme Cortez from 1980, signed and numbered, which I thank Fabio Moraes.
My Exposition: "Adventures of Jerílio in the XXV-first episode - It all began in Mafio", stayed in the Regional Museum of Beja, framed by a tile heritage of the Museum itself considerable, and ranging from the enjaquetado tile and dry rope final from the 14th century, to the baroque panels of the 16th century. XVIII! Only the tiles of the 25th century were missing, which now happened.
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