sábado, maio 07, 2016

Cidades Flutuantes 2500 DC / Floating Cities 2500 AD

Painel “Cidades Flutuantes” 2500 DC -Policromado, dimensões : 105 X 105 cm.
Panel “Floating Cities” 2500 AD –color, dimensions : 105 X 105 cm. 

Este foi o painel que fez retomar a saga das "Aventuras de Jerílio no séc. 25". Foi começado numa Feira de Artesanato, onde pintava ao vivo e apresentado em muitas feiras. Hoje é da Tina a minha esposa, que tem sido a minha fan #1 desde que a conheci em 1992 até hoje !

This was the panel that did retake the saga of "Jerílio Adventures of the century. 25". It was started in Crafts Fair, where he painted live and presented at many fairs. Today is owner is Tina's my wife, who has been my # 1 fan since I met her in 1992, until today!

Painel “Cidades Flutuantes” 2500 DC -Policromado, dimensões : 105 X 105 cm.
Panel “Floating Cities” 2500 AD –color, dimensions : 105 X 105 cm. 

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* To see the image in large format, click on the image normally when open, press the left mouse button and choose: Open the image in a new tab, zoom and see the details!

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