Para ambos escolhi frisos em azul cobalto, mas completamente diferentes um do outro.
A colored panel with Santa Marinha of Retorta, where is located the house and another with very old house images, whom I suggested and was accepted to be made in sepia colors to give the idea of the old photos.
For both frames I chose cobalt blue, but they are completely different from each other.

Aconteceu que no painel "Casa da Fonte", quebraram na cozedura dois azulejos. É muito raro acontecer, mas acontece por vezes !
Esses azulejos foram refeitos e colocados no lugar dos que estavam partidos e o resultado foi muito satisfatório para mim e para o Sr. Horácio.
It happened that in the panel "Casa da Fonte", broke two cooking tiles. It very rarely happens, but it happens sometimes!
These tiles were remade and put in place of those who were broken and the result was very satisfying for me and Mr. Horace.
Painel "Casa da Fonte" embutido, já com os azulejos refeitos.
Panel "Fountain House" built in, already redone with the new tiles.
Painéis embutidos.
Inlaid panels.
Panorâmica da Casa da Fonte Fountain House Panoramic
Fases dos trabalhos, painel Casa da Fonte:
Phases of work, House of the Fountain panel:
Fases dos trabalhos, painel Santa Marinha da Retorta:
Phases of work, Santa Marinha da Retorta panel: