Anselmo Levita, presidente da Junta de Freguesia de Sarzedas encomendou à
Azulejaria Artística Guerreiro um painel para comemorar os 800 anos de Foral antigo de D. Sancho I, de 1212, e do Foral Manuelino de 1512, que completou na mesma data (15 de Abril) 500 anos de Foral. Esta dupla comemoração dá a esta agora aldeia, antiga Vila Condal e sede de concelho, uma importância histórica marcante para toda a Beira Interior.
Podem se lidas muitas informações sobre Sarzedas aqui neste Blog:
A imagem, devido à sua fraca resolução, criou-me alguns problemas de reconhecimento do antigo edifício da Câmara Municipal de Sarzedas, que foi totalmente destruída (assim como os primeiros Paços do Concelho de Alhos Vedros, minha terra Natal, que perdeu também ela a sede de concelho para a Moita), mas como gosto de trabalhar em temas históricos com o máximo de proximidade às epócas retratadas, resolvi falar diretamente com o autor do livro.
O Dr. Marinho dos Santos, também ele Sarzedense explicou-me então que o edifício na altura da foto selecionada, era o Posto de Correios local e a toponímia em cima que dizia "Correios e Telégrafos de Sarzedas" deveria ser substituiída por "Câmara Municipal de Sarzedas". Aconselhou-me que retirasse o poste do telégrafo e a caixa de correio.
"Limpei" um pouco as paredes do edifício, acrescentei-lhe um friso Manuelino recortado e resultou este trabalho, agora exposto permanentemente no antigo local onde era a C.M. de Sarzedas e que ficou bastante bem enquadrado numa zona de relevo difícil.
Ao Dr. Marinho dos Santos deixo o meu reconhecimento e apreço, para que a realidade histórica prevalecesse e o painel ficasse mais fidedigno.
Nota final: Parece que com a fusão de freguesias proposta pelo atual governo, Sarzedas perderá também o seu estatuto de freguesia, depois de já ter perdido o estatuto de sede de Concelho e de Vila...
English Version:
Anselmo Levita, Chairman of the Parish of Sarzedas commissioned a panel to AAG Artistic Tiles to celebrate the 800 years of the ancient D.Sancho I Provincial Law (Foral) from 1212 and 1512 Manueline Provincial Law, which is celebrated (500 years of "Foral") on the same day, April 15th. This double celebration now gives this village, old town and the county seat Condal, an important historical landmark for the entire Beira Interior. You can read about Sarzedas in this Blog:
The image that wasselected for me to do was taken from a book by Dr. João Marinho dos Santos (Professor of the Faculty of Arts, University of Coimbra), " Sarzedas Vila Condal" that results from a compilation of texts that were published weekly in the newspaper "Reconquista" for two years. (Image 0)
The image due to its low resolution, created me some problems of recognition of the former building of the Municipality of Sarzedas, which was completely destroyed (as well as the first Town Hall in Alhos Vedros, my hometown, which also lost its seat to Moita for the county), but I like to work on historical subjects with maximum proximity to the times portrayed,so I decided to speak directly with the author of the book.
Dr. Marinho dos Santos, also a Sarzedense, explained to me that the building at the time of the photo in the book was the Post Office site and on top that said "Sarzedas Posts and Telegraphs" should be replaced with "Sarzedas City Hall". He advised me to withdraw from the telegraph pole and mailbox. (Image1)
"I cleaned up" a bit the walls of the building, it added a Manueline cut border and resulted the work that is now permanently displayed in the old place where was the Sarzedas town hall and that was very well framed. (Image2)
I thank Mr. Anselmo Levita and the whole entourage of the Parish of Sarzedas who came expressly from the present village of Sarzedas, who personally ordered me the panel and who also came for him, very close to the date of celebration of the two Provincials- forais (April 15th) and that they knew so well .
Dr. Marinho dos Santos, I leave my gratitude and appreciation for the historical reality prevailed and for the panel more reliability.
Final note: It seems that with the proposed merger of parishes by the current government, Sarzedas will also lose its status as a parish, having already lost its status as the seat of County and Town ...
Once you destroy a part of Portugal which has 800 years of history - Sarzedas - because of decisions imposed by foreigners and unpatriotic people who do not see more than accounting, and moreover, very poorly made! (Images 3, 4 and 5)
Luís Cruz Guerreiro